Medi-Cal Health Plan Quality Ratings
Quality of care for children
Quality of care for adults
How Medi-Cal plans compare on quality of care for children (see below for time covered)
= Scored higher than the average for Medi-Cal plans in California.
= Scored about the same as the average for Medi-Cal plans in California.
= Scored lower than the average for Medi-Cal plans in California.
= Too few Medi-Cal plan members to report OR results were not available.
How Medi-Cal plans compare on quality of care for adults (see below for time covered)
= Scored higher than the average for Medi-Cal plans in California.
= Scored about the same as the average for Medi-Cal plans in California.
= Scored lower than the average for Medi-Cal plans in California.
= Too few Medi-Cal plan members to report OR results were not available.
Period of time covered by these ratings:
Ratings for getting needed care, getting care quickly, doctor communication, shared decision making, and plan customer service is from a survey completed by a sample of Medi-Cal members about their services during 2009. This is the most up-to-date information available.
Ratings for vaccines for children, vaccines for teens, checkups for children, pregnancy care, testing diabetics' blood sugar, and care for adults with bronchitis is from records of Medi-Cal members' services during 2012. This is the most up-to-date information available.
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