California Health Care
Quality Report Card

Info Treating Bronchitis: Getting the Right Care San Benito County


Why is it important to not use antibiotics when you have bronchitis?

Acute bronchitis is also known as a chest cold and it is usually caused by a virus. Antibiotics do not work with viral infections. Bronchitis occurs when the tubes carrying air into the lungs become inflamed and produce mucus that can cause a cough. The cough and other signs of bronchitis last about two weeks. Antibiotics will only work or help if your infection is caused by bacteria.

Using antibiotics when they are not needed can make some bacteria become more resistant. Infections caused by resistant bacteria are harder to treat and cure.

How should doctors treat bronchitis?

Your doctor may suggest over-the-counter medicines like cough drops, drinking plenty of fluids, and other self-care methods to help you feel better. A chest cold will last about two weeks and usually doesn’t need antibiotics.

Talk with your doctor and health plan to find out about what other services are available. Many health plans offer additional support and resources for patients with bronchitis. These additional services may be educational materials (online and in print), classes or support groups, or phone counseling.