California Health Care
Quality Report Card

Info Number of Days Diabetes Medication was Filled San Joaquin County


Why is it important to take oral diabetes medications?

Diabetes is a chronic, or long-term, disease that can lead to heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. There are medications that can help patients manage their diabetes by lowering blood sugar. Lowering blood sugar can help prevent other medical problems caused by diabetes such as loss of vision and kidney damage.

How should doctors help manage diabetes?

Your doctor should work with you to decide the best kind of medicine to manage your diabetes. If you are prescribed medicine for your diabetes, the doctor will request tests to make sure the medicine is working and not causing harm. In addition to prescribing medicine, the doctor can help you manage your diabetes in other ways such as helping you to better plan your meals and encouraging you to stay physically active. Your doctor may also teach you how to check your blood sugar at home using a small device called a blood glucose meter or blood glucose monitor.

Talk with your doctor and health plan to find out about what other services are available. Many health plans offer additional support and resources for patients with diabetes. These additional services may include educational materials (online and in print), classes or support groups, such as home blood sugar testing or phone counseling.