California Health Care
Quality Report Card

Info Number of Days High Blood Pressure Medications were Filled Alameda County


Why is it important to take medication for high blood pressure?

High blood pressure makes the heart work harder and can lead to heart disease, stroke, and kidney damage. Medications called “RAS Antagonists” help lower high blood pressure and may help prevent kidney damage due to diabetes and congestive heart failure. It is important to prevent damage from these conditions by reducing high blood pressure.

How should doctors help manage high blood pressure?

Your doctor should check your blood pressure level and assess any other medical problems you might have and discuss which medications are best for you. If a medicine called a RAS Antagonist is prescribed, the doctor should request tests to make sure the medication is not causing harm. In addition to prescribing medication, the doctor should help you manage your high blood pressure in other ways such as helping you to plan healthy meals with less salt and encouraging you to stay physically active.

Talk with your doctor and health plan to find out about what other services are available. Many health plans offer additional support and resources for patients with high blood pressure. These additional services may include educational materials (online and in print), classes or support groups, or phone counseling.