California Health Care
Quality Report Card

Info Ongoing Care for Attention Deficit Disorder


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Why is it important to get ongoing treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most common behavioral disorder in school-age children. Children with ADHD may have problems paying attention or concentrating, which can interfere with their ability to do well at school and at home. Medication is a proven treatment that helps many children with ADHD.

How should doctors treat ADHD?

If your child has ADHD, medication may be a part of the treatment plan. The doctor should provide regular follow up visits for your child for an extended time period to see how well the medicine is working. At these visits, the doctor will closely monitor the medicine’s side-effects such as headaches, poor appetite, and trouble sleeping.

Talk with your doctor and health plan to find out about what other services are available. Many health plans offer additional support and resources for patients with ADHD. These additional services may be educational materials (online and in print), classes or support groups, or phone counseling.